

\n'); z.document.close(); z.focus(true); } function updateCart() { $('contentMinicart').innerHTML = 'Updating - please wait!'; new Effect.Highlight($('contentMinicart')); // this gets called by handleResponse (which is in zoovy.js) var postBody = 'm=RenderElement&format=LAYOUT&docid=~p-big_image&element=IMAGECART&targetDiv=contentMinicart'; // alert(postBody); new Ajax.Request('/ajax/RenderElement', { postBody: postBody, asynchronous: 1, onComplete: function(request){handleResponse(request.responseText);} } ) ; } // // this function is overloaded, and is run whenever an "add_to_cart" button is clicked // it finds the form with a product id that matches on it. // function addToCart(id,pid) { // alert("adding To Cart (product: " + pid + ")"); var postBody = 'm=AddToCart&cart='+session_id+'&pid='+pid; for (i = document.forms.length-1; i>=0; --i) { if (document.forms[i].elements['product_id']) { if (document.forms[i].elements['product_id'].value == pid) { postBody = postBody + '&' + Form.serialize(document.forms[i]); new Ajax.Request('/ajax/AddToCart', { postBody: postBody, asynchronous: 1, onComplete: function(request){handleResponse(request.responseText);} } ) ; } } } // alert('finished with addToCart'); } //-->

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There are (currently) three flavors for the flash animations.

Banner Rotator
As seen in the first screengrab under the samples tab, it is a slideshow of banners. The flash will rotate through up to five different banners. Each banner can stay up for a specific duration and link to a separate page. A 'countdown' (as seen on the right side) will display how long the banner will be up for and can be set up as clickable, to skip to specific banners.

Single Item Product Rotator
As seen in the second screengrab, this flash will display product information in a slideshow manner, one product at a time. Each product stays up for the same amount of time. The buttons at the bottom denote how long the product info will stay up, allow the customer to skip to specific locations, and also play/pause the rotation. The Zoovy RSS feature is required.

Multi Item Product Rotator
This is similar to the single item rotator, except that multiple items can be displayed at the same time, in slightly different styles (one featured product and two smaller, in the case of sample 3). Each slide stays up for the same amount of time. The Zoovy RSS feature is required.

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