

\n'); z.document.close(); z.focus(true); } function updateCart() { $('contentMinicart').innerHTML = 'Updating - please wait!'; new Effect.Highlight($('contentMinicart')); // this gets called by handleResponse (which is in zoovy.js) var postBody = 'm=RenderElement&format=LAYOUT&docid=~p-big_image&element=IMAGECART&targetDiv=contentMinicart'; // alert(postBody); new Ajax.Request('/ajax/RenderElement', { postBody: postBody, asynchronous: 1, onComplete: function(request){handleResponse(request.responseText);} } ) ; } // // this function is overloaded, and is run whenever an "add_to_cart" button is clicked // it finds the form with a product id that matches on it. // function addToCart(id,pid) { // alert("adding To Cart (product: " + pid + ")"); var postBody = 'm=AddToCart&cart='+session_id+'&pid='+pid; for (i = document.forms.length-1; i>=0; --i) { if (document.forms[i].elements['product_id']) { if (document.forms[i].elements['product_id'].value == pid) { postBody = postBody + '&' + Form.serialize(document.forms[i]); new Ajax.Request('/ajax/AddToCart', { postBody: postBody, asynchronous: 1, onComplete: function(request){handleResponse(request.responseText);} } ) ; } } } // alert('finished with addToCart'); } //-->

Zoovy, Inc.

Custom Graphic/Banner Advertisement for your Homep

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Grab the attention of your visitors immediately with a custom designed page header for your special deals.
Custom graphics are a great way for you to move your traffic in a specific direction from your homepage to a category or to a product.
Page headers create a strong, professional look that will set your web site apart from your competition.
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Custom Designed 8 Page Product Brochure
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Custom Designed 16 page Deluxe Product Catalog
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Custom Designed Leaflet
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Custom Designed Postcard
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Custom Designed Trifold
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  • Implementation of this graphic onto your homepage requires either the use of a custom homepage layout or one of the new h- series layouts

  • Static custom designed graphic

  • You can provide basic images/graphics to be used or select an image from photos.com

  • Includes initial design & two sets of revisions during creation process

  • Tell us what you would like to say and which page to link to
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