Zoovy Press Releases & Announcements
1.949.453.8080, stephanie@lages.com
San Diego, CA.
2006-02-15 11:14:29 -- San Diego -- The Launch Group Manager can be found by going to Utilities > Launch Group Manager.
Launch Groups are the first in a series of planned changes that will affect how all listings will be created and managed using the Zoovy system. (Actually technically they are the second change, since support for Profiles were the first change.)
Launch Groups allow you to setup a weekly schedule that specifies when listings will be created, and then associate either product lists, navigation categories, of individually specify up to 50 products to launch for each group (if you need more than 50 per group simply use a category or list).
Launch Groups do not create channels. Just like listings created through eBay Store Syndication - listings created with Launch Groups cannot be revised/cancelled or edited - AT THIS TIME (however this will be available VERY soon).
Launch Groups always launch the most current version of the product, so to change future listings simply edit the product using either the online interface or warehouse manager.
In addition to launch groups, additional planned announcements include:
We anticipate all these changes being completed in the next 3-6 weeks.
Existing channels which have been created will continue to launch and will not be affected, and when possible existing scheduled channels will be upgraded to the new launching group system. It will not be possible to continue to create "channels" - rather in the near future you'll be creating "Listings" using the new tools.