Zoovy Press Releases & Announcements
Media Contact: Stephanie Olsen, Lages & Associates
1.949.453.8080, stephanie@lages.com
1.949.453.8080, stephanie@lages.com
Zoovy Announces: New RSS Feed options - Strip WIKI, Wiki to HTML, and Wiki to HTML with Images
San Diego, CA.
San Diego, CA.
2009-08-14 02:39:57 -- San Diego -- We've added new settings to the RSS feeds to increase compatibility with sites which rely heavily on WIKI but who are publishing to consumers which do not support WIKI. These include options for stripping wiki, converting the wiki to html, along with an enhanced HTML format that includes images and buy buttons.
The result is substantially more user friendly.
We highly recommend all clients go into their Setup / RSS Feeds area and select the Enhanced HTML format.