
Customer Testimonials

“We started off selling one to two items every other day, steadily increasing that to three to four a day. “ Says Andreas. “But when I signed up with Zoovy back in 2004 is when things really started to explode. All of a sudden I was exposed to a much greater marketplace. My company sales seemed to double every year, and last year I did half a million in sales.”

Andreas Georgiou

“We started with one product that was about $10 in value, and now after only 3 years on the Zoovy system, we have over 500 products, and the full range of items you’d find at your local big box stores.” Owner Greg says, “And as far as gross sales, we easily doubled and have almost tripled our sales. That was a direct result of Zoovy allowing us to grow.”

Greg Kesmetis

“The foundation of our business depended on being able to keep track of what we had through automation, rather than manually decrementing and incrementing inventory. At that point, about 3 years ago, we surveyed the top e-commerce systems and decided to give Zoovy a try. The core concept of Zoovy, having a unifi ed back-end serving a number of different syndication methods like eBay, Amazon, Overstock, BizRate, as well as a website, is the only way to go. I can’t imagine having a website without the multi-site capability that Zoovy has.”

Debbie Cosentino

“The change was pretty instantaneous,” Jerome said, “Our sales had quadrupled within the fi rst few months alone. Last year in 2007 we were just slightly shy of 1 million dollars in sales. That’s a huge jump considering we only started 3 years ago. I went from 100% Ebay sales down to only 20%. 80% is through my Zoovy store plus I nearly doubled my sales thanks to Zoovy Syndication."

Jerome Coudrier
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